Our inspiration is founded on the voice and needs of the Australian community and personal journey

Royal Commission
Carers Australia Report
Submission to ACFA

"My Aged Care (MAC) provider search function can be unreliable and it is difficult to search for respite by type or available places and listings often include incorrect information about the available respite and/or available places. Carers often find it difficult to book residential respite in advance, making it difficult to plan ahead, including for holidays and elective surgery. Many residential respite care providers do not use the MAC service as they are unaware of the demand for respite or how they can advertise respite beds while many carers, particularly those who do not have access to the MAC website or are not confident navigating it, find themselves directly calling around potential providers. It would be extremely helpful for carers, and the services that support them, if there was a real time booking system available to support their respite needs. The booking system could enable providers to list respite vacancies and carers to register their requirements."

Royal Commission
Carers Australia Report
Issues Submitted to ACFA

“Carers Australia considers that the final ACFA report on the increasing use of respite care and the appropriateness of current arrangements for providers and consumers, including carers, should study the following issues, as identified in this submission. ………... a real time booking system that will help providers to understand demand and improve accessibility for carers and consumers.”

Abhishek Singh
myRespiteAccom Platform - Founder's Inspiration
Short video by the founder

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